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Hebert, Beth


Beth Hebert

Counselor 206-780-6506

About Me

Dear Sakai Community,

My name is Beth Hebert, I am a Pacific Northwest native and grew up in Seattle. I have lived with my family on Bainbridge Island for over 30 years. Both of my daughters spent their entire K-12 education in the Bainbridge Island School District and have both graduated from college. I enjoy riding my bicycle, yoga, reading, listening to music, playing the piano, going to the beach and generally just enjoy being outside. I received my Masters in Counseling from the School of Education at Seattle University and was privileged to complete my counseling internship at Sakai in 2009-2010. I enjoy working with the fun staff and community at Sakai.

As a school counselor, my primary obligation is to foster and promote academic success and personal and social development in all students. I will be consulting and collaborating with teachers, families and community agencies as we work together as a team to promote student growth and success. As we work together, it is also my role to consult and collaborate with professional organizations, other school and professional counselors, and other school personnel to develop the best approach to improving student success.

Any student can request to meet with me or they can be referred by their teacher, administrator or parent. I encourage you to contact me anytime if you have any questions or concerns regarding your student.

I am excited to be working with intermediate level elementary students and promoting in them the love of learning and being in school. The intermediate grades are a good time for students to explore what they are interested or passionate about and how they might contribute back to their community. A special interest of mine is to encourage students to appreciate and respect each other as individuals. Each student brings to the community their own unique style, talents, abilities, disposition and culture.

As the School Counselor I will abide by the professional school counseling ethics as advocated by the American School Counselor Association (ASCA) with regards to the confidential nature of counseling and developing a counseling program. According to these standards, the school counselor’s primary obligation is to advocate for each student, treat them with respect as unique individuals and to encourage their full development.

I look forward to working with you and your students. Feel free to contact me with any questions or concerns. I am excited to be part of the team at Sakai and look forward to getting to know you all.


Beth Hebert

School Counselor